Thursday, December 26, 2013

Frosty the Snowfarm

Merry Belated Christmas to all! In the holiday spirit, I would like to show you how to make a frosty the snowman infinite snow farm!
 It is quite easy, doesn't ask for
My "Frosty the Snowman's Snow Farm" in my farm world
with Frosty the Snowman himself
very many resources at all, and is so
 quick to use, your stone shovel
 takes about 5 seconds to
 run out completely! Seriously!
Here's what you'll need:
-2 snowy blocks of snow
-1 Christmas pumpkin
-A holiday shovel
-4 Gleaming iron bars

Here's how to make it.
Step 1: Place the gleaming iron bars in a square on the ground and make a 2 by 2 and 1 block deep ho-ho-hole in the ground directly underneath them.
Step 2: Place the snowy blocks of snow on top of each other on 1 of the gleaming iron bars. This will be frosty the snowman's body.
Step 2.5: (Optional) If you want to do it the safe way, so that frosty the snowman doesn't run away, build walls around the top of the bars so that you can see the tops of all the bars, but can't jump out.
Step 3: jump up and place the Christmas pumpkin on top of frosty's body. VoilĂ ! It's frosty the snowman! But quickly push him in between the bars so he is stuck.
Step 4:Frosty the snowman is in the bars, and he should be generating snow in all 4 of the spots he is standing on. This is the fun part.
Step 5: It's snow party time! Stand next to 1 of the snow spots and take out your holiday shovel and look down at the snow. Now start digging. Hold on left click and don't let go until your shovel breaks. You can collect the snowballs and have a snowball fight, or craft more blocks of snow and build an igloo!

Well, hope you have some fun with this neat little contraption! And have a merry holidays!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Squid Farms, and the glorious world of squids (note: if you are skythekidRS, you will greatly enjoy this article on how to mass murder squids)

Hello audience, and welcome to the first in a series I'm calling "Time to Farm". If you haven't seen the intro/about the author, you should read that. Now lets get started!

Ah, the lake. Such a pain in the neck to make! I mean, the water doesn't fill up the middle and than it has a weird flowing issue! It is annoying. Well, there is an incredibly simple trick to set up a squid farm/lake and these are the materials you will need:
-1 pickaxe, preferably diamond, with any encahntment OTHER THAN SILK TOUCH
-90 ice blocks (which if you didn't know, can be harvested with any tool with silk touch)
-a whole dang shenanigans lot of hoppers
-a few chests
-at good amount of any block (preferably glass)
-the y level coordinate needs to be in between  45 and 63

Now you're ready to set up your squid farm

Step 1: take out your ice. Place 45 of it in a 9 long and 5 tall wall. Then make another one on the adjacent side, as if it was the side of a square. IMPORTANT: DO NOT PUT AN ICE BLOCK IN THE CORNER BETWEEN THE TWO SIDES! IT WILL MESS IT UP!

Step 2: take out your diamond pickaxe, or whatever pickaxe it may be. this part gets a little tedious, as you will be getting pushed around by water. Start breaking the ice from top to bottom and in those columns from the far side towards where the two walls intersect-ish. DO NOT BREAK the last column in the middle. Do the same with the other wall.

Step 3: Break the top of the two middle columns. Then break the middle blocks. Finally the moment of truth has come. As fast as you can, break the two bottom blocks that are left.

Step 4: This is the coolest step. Just watch as the water starts collapsing inwards, creating a pyramid affect. Then it finally comes to a halt in a giant lake position. Congratulations! You made a 10 by 10 lake for squids to spawn.
My squid farm complete with a lake, a hopper chain, chests, a minecart delivery system, and of course, squids.

Step 5: I lied. This is the most tedious step. You have to dig 1 block down and 4 blocks out from the blocks right next to where the water ends. This is where the squids will go when they are pushed from the water. You will have to do this around the entire lake, which is why it is the most tedious step.

Step 6: After you dig all that out, fill it all back in again! Ha! I tricked you! But I didn't actually trick you because when you fill it in, it is with hoppers! But not just any hoppers, these hoppers need to be facing outwards. ONLY THE INNERMOST 3 HOPPERS SHOULD FACE OUTWARDS! The outermost ring of hoppers need to face towards each other going around in a circle until they reach one hopper that faces outwards to a series of chests and hoppers that collect all the ink.

Step 7: speaking of chests, place a bunch of bid chests with hoppers coming out of them and hoppers coming out of those to other big chests which is connected to that before mentioned one hopper that collects everything.

Step 8: This  step is sort of optional. You should make a small (or large if you want) base either above the ground or far away from the squid farm. The base should be about 20-30 blocks away from the farm. Most bases are fun to make out of glass, because you can see the squids spawning, and dieing. Try to make the chests somehow connected to your base. I made mine connected with a minecart hopper.

Step 9: The squid farm is finished! All you have to do is stand in your base and wait for the squids to spawn!

Now you know just how to have infinite inkedy ink sacks! I would love to talk more, but I have to go write about a million books with all this ink I have, so see you later!

Monday, December 16, 2013

About the Author, and Farming

Me at my plant farm, and next to my hostile mob farm on CB-Hub (
Hey minecrafters, I'm Henzoid, and I would like to show you some tips, tutorials, and overall general information about farming, and collecting resources in Minecraft.
A lot of people consider farming a boring useless topic, but it is neither boring, nor useless. Farming is its own part of minecraft. It's a rich and delightful way to get things you want in minecraft. It's not just "planting and waiting" it is the way you do things, and the knowledge and even pride achieved from doing them. And it isn't just plants and animals. You can farm villagers, gold, even iron! It just requires the right mind set and strategy. And that's where I come in.
I want to help you get the hang of farming. I can farm tons of things, from ink to wool, from bones to arrows, from food to weapons, almost every item in the game can be farmed! You want proof? Here's a list of a few items you can farm, from A to Z:
-blaze rods
-ghast tears
-ink sacks
-magma cream
-music discs
-nether warts
-rotten flesh
-slime balls
-smooth stone
-spider eyes
-sugar cane
-wither skulls

That's a pretty long list, isn't it?
Some of those are from mobs, some are from plants, and some are just their own type of farming. For example, gold is from mobs, wheat is from plants, and cobblestone is just made. It is a very interesting process that takes a while to master, but although you eventually get the hang of it, even I have a bit of trouble here and there.
Farming is really a great thing to do in minecraft, and I will be doing tutorials (with words, not a video) in future posts, but for now, that's my perspective on farming. See ya!