Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I feel like mentioning the characters that star in my blog. Here they are. (Note that some of these people will be in blogs soon but not yet)

HENZOID/HENRY: The god of farming and author of this blog.

TROLLNYANGAMING/ANEEK: The redstone god and Henry's bro.

SHADEO359/SHUVRO: Aneek's cousin and pvp master.
[coming soon]
ESONGYQ165/ERIC: Average minecrafter and bro.

JESCLAN/ERIC: Average used-to-be minecrafter and bro.
[coming soon]
FLYINGCASHMONEY/ISHAN: The mining god and bro.
[coming soon]
CONTINUED... ARMORSTAND: Captainsparklez, Notch, Jeb, Dinnerbone, Sethbling, SkythekidRS, or Ssundee.


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